
Virgil Alternative Investments provides the ThePlatform.finance which is a tool for eligible customers to enjoy content (including analysis and research) produced by Us or by third parties regarding alternative markets (the “Content”).

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Status of the Content under MiFID II

Virgil Alternative Investments research is paid for by the companies, legal entities and issuers about which we and third parties write and, as such, falls within the scope of ‘minor non-monetary benefits’, as defined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II.

In particular, Article 12(3) of the Directive states: ‘The following benefits shall qualify as acceptable minor non-monetary benefits only if they are: (b) ‘written material from a third party that is commissioned and paid for by a corporate issuer or potential issuer to promote a new issuance by the company, or where the third party firm is contractually engaged and paid by the issuer to produce such material on an ongoing basis, provided that the relationship is clearly disclosed in the material and that the material is made available at the same time to any investment firms wishing to receive it or to the general public…’

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